Friday, July 28, 2006

a philosophy of babies

I am surrounded by babies. Probably by more babies then I've ever seen in my life. All in the space of one month. There's probably as much crying around here as there are gawking girls drooling over their very dippers hoping that perhaps they too will one day have the privilege of holding a dear smelly one of their own. And bless their hearts. But despite the incessant noise protruding from their wide open cake-holes, babies make me think. Why do they cry? Sure its because they fell, or they want more jello even though there's none left--but why is crying the first sound they make when they're born? There's a 3 week old baby that I watch cry when someone flashes a camera in his face, or when he's grumpy, or...whenever he starts crying for no particular reason (as babies so often do). It makes wonder if they don't want to be here on earth. And why would any one? Surely we who have been alive longer then a few days know that life is pain and pain is crying. When babies cry perhaps they are lamenting life itself. It seems from their first moment on earth they protest loudly and continue to do so until they are eventually assimilated into this hostile environment so that the daily pain of life is bearable.
Cant blame then for crying really
...except when they're being snotty pricks


Béthany said...

hey brent

nice thought, there, about babies. my sister is leaving japan much longer is your stay?

hey, i got you this cool thing to send you with pamela, but forget it at home and now we are at my parents waiting to go to the airport...sorry. you would have liked it, i think. oh well. some other opportunity.

Pamela Joy said...

we're going to get that thing to you still, aren't we Bethany. I have something for you too. When do you get home? I got home a couple hours ago. Let me tell you, North America is pretty weird. Just in case you forgot. So anyway, I got you something small and you don't HAVE to get me something, even though we agreed on it, but you might feel kind of lame if you don't. Just warning you...
I like babies.

... said...

Oh my gosh I have found you my long lost friend...I have no I am stealing it...outside someone's house... crouched in my car like a creepy old man...
BUT, what craziness you are going through~congratulations!
In short: I am moving to the ghetto of LA (Filipino town to be exact) and I turned down a morally compromising contract I was offered in a music group (that would be like the pussycat dolls) they were very mad at me, but I am now cast as an extra in Ocean's Thirteen...Next Disney auditions are in October!
I MISS you~! Be safe.

Béthany said...

are you KIDDING me!?

Béthany said...

oh well, if that how its going to be then...

Anonymous said...

When are you back?